Condition-oriented testing (ZOP) of wind turbines
The condition-based maintenance test determines and documents the technical condition of a wind turbine as a snapshot. In addition, initial damage is identified and identified. By detecting damage early, subsequent damage can be identified or avoided at an early stage.
Operators often commission condition-based testing to not only check the stability of a wind turbine, but also to assess the condition and function of the main components. This technical inspection is often formulated as a requirement within the framework of machinery breakdown insurance or business interruption insurance.
When is a condition-based inspection carried out?
The inspection is carried out at intervals of 1 to 2 years. In addition, a condition-based inspection is often commissioned when a contract changes or ends in order to clarify defects and responsibilities. For example, the system should be inspected before the warranty expires or before the system manufacturer's full maintenance contract is terminated in order to be able to make use of the last chance of making any warranty claims.
In order to insure the system after leaving a full maintenance contract, a ZOP is often required by the insurance company. In addition, a condition-based inspection is also required by banks for follow-up financing.
What are the requirements for a ZOP?
The ZOP determines the degree of wear and the condition of the components of a wind turbine. This requires the use of analytical methods. In addition to the state of the art, there are minimum requirements that are formulated in another policy paper by the expert advisory board of the BWE (German Wind Energy Association). See also: Principles for the condition-based maintenance of wind turbines, as of September 21, 2007 ( For example, tests on the machine's drive train require at least the use of video endoscopy or vibration analysis including evaluation.
As the operator, you will receive an analysis of the individual components with regard to possible damage patterns and the expected probability of failure. In order to identify defects, we as independent experts also check the maintenance documentation and records against the background of the maintenance requirements of the maintenance specifications and good professional practice.
Do you have any further questions about condition-based testing? Then please contact our expert office in Wunstorf!